Monday, January 6, 2014

BBQ night =D

一月四号, 有一个重要的约会必须赴约.. 多亏了丁先生的安排, 这次和 diploma lecturers 还有同学们的聚会才会那么顺利.. =) 盼了好久, 终于来到了这一天.. 当天下午我们在Kuching Sentral 的 H&L 买了冷藏食物,然后才去娟妹家.. 
到她家时下大雨.. 恳求老天爷不要再下了.. TT 有点天不作美的感觉..
在她家宽敞的客厅闲聊了一会,顺便拍照.. =D
 之后到厨房串热狗和鱼丸.. 它们被冻结到很硬,让我们串得很辛苦,一直串歪了..
终于串到一串美美的还要和别人炫耀.. haha.. 串到不美的就诬赖是别人串的..
完工!鸡翅膀是娟妹早早就买然后腌的.. =D
在还没被烟味熏之前,先拍张美美的照片留念.. =D 至少我们看上去还很端装,没有狼狈感.. 
感谢老天及时收雨, 火苗也慢慢的旺盛燃烧着,似乎为今晚的BBQ做了自我牺牲的准备..
我们忙烧烤,也不忘拍照.. =D
火烧得很美, 也把食物逼得快熟了..
lecturers 在等待中~~~
终于肉肉们熟了.. =D
 享受中~~ 安伯小姐卖萌中~ 哈哈哈
雨又开始慢慢下起来, 但欢乐气氛温暖了我们的心..
就好像又回到两年前的时候.. =)
 当晚的骨头堆积如山.. 狗狗们有口福了..
 全体照.. =D 好像全家福照,虽然早了点.. =P
吃完后接着到屋里闲聊.. 述说我们在异地的精彩故事..
这是Miss Chai和她的女性学生的合照, 却更像另外一张全家福照.. haha
 合照不够, 一直在拍.. 反正不用底片..不拍白不拍,那就拍到尽兴吧..
另外一张..非常喜欢这张,因为大家很自然的在笑.. =D
最后,和Miss Chai二人的合照.. =D 她是我求学生涯中遇到过最敬业的老师.. 感谢她多年的教诲, 成就今天的我们..
当晚,我们在娟妹家玩21点到近半夜,然后还到香香坊吃宵夜.. 结束了充满欢喜的一天 =D

Friday, January 3, 2014

K11 & Fullhouse, Hills shopping mall

去年的帖子,现在才来写.. 丢回* 又是全军出动的时候 (少了一只), 在西马唱不够, 回到东马接着唱.. K11, Hills Shopping Mall, 12PM到7PM, 一个人头 RM10, 两杯饮料.. 很划算, 唱到你喉咙破.. 
感谢帮我们拍照的朋友, 要不然我们有要搞自拍,才能拍到全体照.. 一间房容纳9个人, 可是只有2只麦克风.. @@!! 我们要求多个几个麦克风, 可是很好笑的服务员说如果我们分开(4个人一间)那么就会有4只麦克风给9个人.. 那么请问一下,我们为什么要大费周章一起出来?我们就是要热闹,团聚,在一起.. =) 
为了添加圣诞气氛,房间里摆放了数个圣诞帽.. =D 很有心.. 
我五点左右就闪人了,因为亲他要做工了.. 还没唱够 ='( 之后我们到FullHouse餐厅填饱肚子.. 
点了我最喜欢的蘑菇意大利面.. 之前吃过最很爱了.. 可是这次有点过头的辣.. 我忘了叫他们不要放辣椒.. TT 没办法了,硬着头皮吃,也吃得津津有味.. 回到家肚子却痛到在床上翻滚, 我的胃不能接受的辣度.. 
亲点了鸡排.. 忘了是什么浆料.. 很好吃! 尤其是那个马铃薯泥, 我更是喜欢.. =D
两杯温水.. 很贴心的还加了柠檬.. =)
与亲的合照.. =) 就这样过了一天.. 开学的脚步接近了, 我坚信今年会是个好年 =D

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

countdown for 2014 =D

yesterday was the last day of 2013 =) this is my first post of 2014, but i post about my last day of 2013.. hehe.. thx god that i still can breath in fresh air into my lung, open my eyes, and have a healthy body.. =D 
 in the evening, me and dear went to Boulevard and saw this huge bear made by balloons.. so cute.. =)
 then, we went to City One watch Police Story.. i love Jackie Chan's movie the most!! did not take pct with the movie's poster, but then end up with the Disney princesses.. hehe.. 
 at night, we went to Station One at Hills for countdown.. =D the cafe still gave everyone a whistle, balloon and a glowing in dark stick.. love their preparation idea for the countdown..  
 we were ready for countdown!! wohhooo!!! 
everyone blowing the whistles from 1130pm and they were ready to welcome 2014 =D
the cafe gave everyone a small present as well.. so cute!! 
my mum kept shouting and asking the free gift from the girl for countless time, until she felt annoyed.. hahaha..
tada! our free gift!! so cute!! hehe..
 mummy is happy with the gift.. =D
she kept on asking although she already has so many on table!! 
our first family photo on 2014.. =D
happy new year to everyone !! hehe
 after that, we went to Pullman Hotel and watch their countdown.. i thought that i walked to the wrong place, bcz it does not look like the lobby.. LOL!!!
my THIRD time countdown at Hills!!! omg!! i think i can get their loyalty guest reward !! buahahah
~~~~~ the end ~~~~~